Food Additives
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Food Additives

Most packaged and processed food contains certain chemicals which the body find intolerable and reacts negatively with.


The Sulphites

Sulphites are gasses that triggers asthma, and it may also cause lung irritation. They are found in the preservatives in liquid form and used in fruit juice concentrates and cold drinks. They are also present in most wines and used to preserve exposed foods to make them look fresh and retain their natural colour. They are used to preserve other foods such as dried fruit, smoked and processed meat, and salads.

Benzoic Acid and Parabens

These chemicals have some antifungal and antibacterial properties that give food longer shelf life. These chemicals are among the leading causes of asthma, urticaria, and angioedema. They are present in certain pharmaceutical products and drinks such as sugar-free coke, berries, and tea.


These are synthetic phenolic antioxidants that prevent food spoilage, especially in fats and oils. These chemicals can cause asthma, urticaria, and rhinitis.

Flavour Enhancers


This is a low-calorie sweetener that is mostly used in drinks as added flavour. It causes itchy hives, urticaria, and swelling.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

This triggers lots of reactions in the body such as burning sensation, headache, muscle tightness, and inflammation. It’s commonly seen in packet soaps, soft drinks, and noodles.


Colourings make food look brighter and physically attractive. They can trigger a lot of reactions in the body such as asthma, hives, urticaria and other severe allergies. Some examples of commonly used colourings are Azo dyes, Non-azo dyes, Nitrates, and Nitrites. Nitrates and nitrites are commonly used to give oink colour to meat and look more attractive.

Emulsifiers And Stabilizers

They do not result in harmful reactions, but they work by preventing oil and water separation such as in mayonnaise and ketchup.

Naturally occurring chemicals in food that causes allergy

Vaso-active amines

These chemicals are naturally present in cured sausage, cheese, fish, pickled vegetable, red wine, and chocolate. They can trigger several allergies such as cramping and headache.


These substances are present in specific medication, coffee, and Coca-Cola. They result in reactions such as nausea, palpitations, tremors, and agitation.


These are aspirin-like chemicals that occur naturally. They are present in oranges, curry powder, dried thyme, honey, ginger, apricots, fruit skins, berries, and paprika.

Salicylates cause asthma, urticaria, and nasal polyps. According to most legislative laws, it’s is now mandatory to clearly label any addictive with E numbers (E100 –E180, E620 –E635, E200 -297, E320-E321) including all additives used within the European Community.

General rules preservatives and addictives

A lot of E numbered preservatives are entirely harmless. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding addictive food reactions. The reactions varies; it could be immediate or delayed, and there is no accurate method of diagnosis yet. Even the Cellular Allergen Stimulation Testing is not entirely reliable.

Notwithstanding, most children with some amount of excessive sodium benzoate and artificial food colouring were documented to display adverse hyperactive behavioural changes. This study was conducted by the Isle of Wight on pre-school children. It is therefore pertinent to read food labels and keep a diary of safe food additive and preservatives.

For more information on food additives and E preservatives, you can contact us today, and we will be glad to hear from you.

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